Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Television Landscape

I remember a long, long time ago in like the 90's that we actually had television shows that were of interest, and interesting. Now a days it's almost like who cares really. The stuff on television today mostly so called "reailty" shows. I don't know why they call them that, I've never seen any of the stuff they put on those show happen. That's not my reailty and I'm sure it isn't for all people who don't go on those shows. i mean really, is it worth humiliate yourself to MAYBE win some money? Your not even garanteed anything but pain, shame and humiliation.

I curse Beverly Hill 90210. It's because of them that were are bombarded with shows like One Tree Hill, Vampire Diaries, The Hill etc... Television has gotten some bad that they can't even come up with new things to do. Did we really need to revive 90210 or Melrose Place. Could we not think of ANYTHING else.

And just how many medical shows do we on television at once? I mean really.Let's see there House, Mercy, Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs ( Yes I counting this even though it's a comedy.) Strong Medicine, Hawthorne. Come on television producer find something new...please.

I how a two year old son and cartoons aren't even what they use to be. Nickelodeon only shows, what 3 actually cartoons now. The rest are live action tween shows, the same with Disney and the cartoons they do show aren't even good nor funny. Cartoon Network still shows cartoons but they are the same as Nick's or Disney's. Chowder....6Teen....Total Drama Island...Really, is this the best you all can do?

The Music Landscape

I don't claim to be a connoisseur in music but I know what sucks and what doesn't. Kesha...really? I that the best we have to offer today? Blah blah blah...really? You couldn't think of anything better to go with? Has the landscape of music really fallen that far. Is it really that pathetic? If the song wasn't jsut a tiny bit catchy it would get any airtime on any station. This goes for most so called "artist", but since we haven't heard anything new from them in a while I won't mention them here.

I really wish we could take it back to days past. Just about anything just about anything before 2003. I personally think music fell off around there. Anybody remember how much better music was in the mid to late 90s? I really do miss that era of music.