Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law

They passed this new law in Arizona that says it's illegal to be in the states illegally and they are giving the police the right to demand paperwork from anyone to have reasonable doubt is an illegal and people are mad about it. So let me get this straight, people are mad because the governor passed a law saying it illegal to break an already existing law.

That reminds me of the time all those people in California got mad when they started cracking down on illegal immigrants and they staged "A Day Without Immigrants" to protest. Your illegals, you don't get to complain. You go somewhere illegal, you don't get to get mad and complain when they want to crackdown, it doesn't matter if you've been here for 10 years, your still an illegal.

I know people are worried about abuse of power by police. but abuse of power could happen anywhere. Just because it could happen doesn't mean it will. People are also worried about racial profiling, but we all know people who are doing thing that they aren't suppose to always act nervous and jumpy. Those are the people they're after.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Movies, Movies, and More Movies

In order, A Nightmare on Elm Street: April 30th, Iron Man II: May 7th (Allllright, Giggidy!), The Prince of Persia: May 28th, and last but not least The Last Airbender: July 2. These are the top four movies that I can't wait to see. I can just hope that they will be AWESOME.